Door-to-Door Food Drive

Thanksgiving Door-to-Door Food Drive

Thank you for supporting our annual Thanksgiving food drive, where North and South of Lindsay compete to see who will raise more donations for Kawartha Lakes Food Source!

How does the Door-to-Door food drive work?

On Saturday, September 28, KLFS staff and volunteers will pick up food donations starting at 10am from every house located south of Colborne Street, while donations from houses located north of Colborne Street will be picked up on Saturday, October 5.

If you can't participate in the food drive or would rather make a monetary donation, you're in the right place! You can support KLFS and your respective side of Lindsay by indicating which team you're contributing to at checkout. We appreciate any amount you're able to give throughout this holiday season.

2024 Needs List*:

Canned vegetables
Peanut butter
Pork & beans
Pasta sauce
Dry pasta
Canned meat & fish

*Please make sure all food donations are in-date and undamaged. We cannot accept homemade goods.